Weekly Briefing



LFJL featured in George the Poet's Podcast!

Have you heard George the Poet’s latest podcast? George, a social commentator and recording artist specialising in musical poetry, casts his gaze 2000 miles across the Mediterranean Sea to explore the modern Libyan slave trade. As part of his collaboration with LFJL and #RoutesToJustice, George has raised awareness about the human rights violations migrants face in Libya and promoted this project, which aims to provide migrants with access to justice. George recently dedicated an entire show on 20 September 2018 to the issue of slavery in Libya and highlighted LFJL’s work in this area. The show resulted in this podcast, 'The Journey - Part II', which features, Elham Saudi, LFJL's Director. Check out the podcast here: https://soundcloud.com/georgethepoet/hyhgp-episode-7-v3.

Have you heard George the Poet’s latest podcast? George, a social commentator and recording artist specialising in musical poetry, casts his gaze 2000 miles across the Mediterranean Sea to explore the modern Libyan slave trade.

As part of his collaboration with LFJL and #RoutesToJustice, George has raised awareness about the human rights violations migrants face in Libya and promoted this project, which aims to provide migrants with access to justice. George recently dedicated an entire show on 20 September 2018 to the issue of slavery in Libya and highlighted LFJL’s work in this area. The show resulted in this podcast, 'The Journey - Part II', which features, Elham Saudi, LFJL's Director. Check out the podcast here.

LFJL featured in George the Poet's Podcast!

Have you heard George the Poet’s latest podcast? George, a social commentator and recording artist specialising in musical poetry, casts his gaze 2000 miles across the Mediterranean Sea to explore the modern Libyan slave trade.

As part of his collaboration with LFJL and #RoutesToJustice, George has raised awareness about the human rights violations migrants face in Libya and promoted this project, which aims to provide migrants with access to justice. George recently dedicated an entire show on 20 September 2018 to the issue of slavery in Libya and highlighted LFJL’s work in this area. The show resulted in this podcast, 'The Journey - Part II', which features, Elham Saudi, LFJL's Director. Check out the podcast here.