23rd Assembly of State Parties: Civil society recommendations

November 29, 2024

From 2 to 7 December 2024, the Assembly of State Parties (ASP) of the International Criminal Court (the Court) will meet for its 23rd session in The Hague, the Netherlands. As the ASP meets, the Court may be entering its last year of investigations in the Libya situation as the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) intends to complete all its investigations in the Libya situation by the close of 2025.  

The Court’s current record in Libya, however, remains unsatisfactory. Ahead of the ASP, LFJL and its partners set out their recommendations to State Parties and the Court in the year ahead to avoid leaving a largely disappointing legacy in the Libya situation:  

  • The Court and State Parties should continuously critically assess benchmarks for completion of investigations in Libya;
  • The Court should ensure systematic, meaningful and safe engagement with Libyan civil society organisations;
  • The Court should urgently engage affected communities and victims, including by proactively facilitating victim participation;
  • State parties should provide the Court with adequate resources to implement all aspects of its mandate in Libya.

Download our full recommendations in English and Arabic.  

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