Libya Accountability Updates: Issue 4

June 28, 2024

Welcome to the fourth edition of Libya Accountability Updates. This is a quarterly look at the accountability situation in Libya, brought to you by Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL), with the support of Libya Crimes Watch (LCW).

So far in 2024, Libya’s political process registered a stalemate as the leading institutional actors continued their battled for power and impeded efforts to advance the adoption of shared electoral laws and the formation of a unified government. This led UNSMIL’ Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG), Abdoulaye Bathily, to tender his resignation in mid-April. In mid-May, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) also briefed the UN Security Council on recent developments. Meanwhile, the crackdown against Libyan civil society shows no sign of lessening, and the rights of migrants and refugees in Libya continue to be undermined and abused.

In this fourth update, we provide information on violations documented in Libya between February - May 2024 and reflect on the Prosecutor's completion strategy to close investigations on the ICC Libya file by the end of 2025. With contribution with Liz Evenson from Human Rights Watch.

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